
Why Hire a Reputable California Divorce Attorney?

Going through a divorce is an emotionally charged experience that takes a toll on all aspects of your life. Because the process of legal separation or dissolution is quite complex, navigating it with the assistance of an experienced and trusted attorney who specializes in family law helps ease the stress. This way, you can make sure that your marital, as well as your parental rights are protected and the financial issues arising out of the division of real estate, businesses, stock portfolios, retirement plans, etc are properly addressed.

If you consider initiating an action for dissolution of marriage in California, first you must file a divorce petition with the clerk of the court. Keep in mind that the length of the marriage determines whether you’re entitled to Federal benefits or not, but California law and Federal law define it differently. For more information on California divorce law, feel free to visit an authoritative website such as and click on Divorce under Practice Areas. Your legal counsel will advise you in regards to the right timing of filing the divorce petition to preserve all rights available to you.

It’s also worth noting that only adequate proof of “irreconcilable differences” must be presented to the court, should it proceed to trial because California is a no-fault divorce state. Likewise, California law permits the marital status to be terminated after 6 months from the service of the divorce petition. With the assistance of a well-respected and skilled California divorce attorney, you can obtain this early status judgment which can also be beneficial for tax savings.

In addition to advising you on the best course of action, your lawyer will resolve, negotiate, and, if need be, litigate to protect not only your rights but also the best interests of your children, while ensuring the marital estate is justly divided. You may also choose legal separation instead of marital dissolution in order to obtain or continue benefits. Another reason to hire a reputable lawyer is if you’re worried that your spouse will begin to transfer assets, in which case you need to file for divorce immediately and serve the summons and petition to bind her/him to the terms of ATROs ( i.e automatic temporary restraining orders) set forth in the summons.

If you’re filing for divorce in San Diego County, CA and you’re looking for a reputable and seasoned San Diego divorce lawyer for legal advice and representation, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Law Offices of Beatrice L. Snider, APC family law firm by phone (888) 860-8544 or via the online contact form to schedule a confidential consultation.